====== Show Date and Time of a FILETIME Value ====== The **''w32tm''** command line utility can be used to display the date and time associated with a specific Windows ''FILETIME'' value: C:\>w32tm /ntte 116444736002158768 134774 00:00:00.2158768 - 01.01.1970 01:00:00 C:\>w32tm /ntte 132270093871577268 153090 09:16:27.1577268 - 24.02.2020 10:16:27 \\ Similarly, it **//should be possible//** to display date date and time associated with an NTP timestamp. However, at least the ''w32tm'' version shipped with Windows 7 may **//show a wrong result//**: C:\>w32tm /ntpte 3792127842 0x0189CB2F6E329D00 - 128290 14:10:42.0000000 - 01.04.1952 15:10:42 C:\>w32tm /ntpte 0xE2074762 0x0189CB2F6E329D00 - 128290 14:10:42.0000000 - 01.04.1952 15:10:42 while the correct result should be ''2020-03-02 08:50:42''. ---- --- //Martin Burnicki [[martin.burnicki@burnicki.net]] 2020-03-02//