====== Using the 'screen' Utility ====== **''screen''** is a Linux utility that can be used to run specific commands e.g. in an SSH remote session. Even if the SSH session is to be closed before the command has terminated, the ''screen'' session can be detached and keeps running in the background. Whenever a new SSH session has been established to the remote machine you can re-attach to a running ''screen'' session and see how execution of the started program continues, and even de-attach again, if required. Start a program in a ''screen'' session: screen my_program Detach from the running screen session: (Press Ctrl-A+D) List running ''screen'' sessions: martin@pc-martin:~> screen -ls There is a screen on: 26366.pts-0.pc-martin (Detached) 1 Socket in /run/uscreens/S-martin. Re-attach to a running screen session: screen -r 26366.pts-0.pc-martin Sessions are closed automatically when the program running in the session terminates. ---- --- //Martin Burnicki [[martin.burnicki@meinberg.de]] 2018-01-19//