
'git' Configuration

Initial Configuration

Before git is used for the first time on a machine, some global configuration settings for the git user should be made:

Configure The Default User Name And Email

git config --global  "Martin Burnicki"
git config --global ""

If a different email address is preferred for commits in a specific project, the local configuration can be modfied to override the global default setting, e.g. by running a command like this inside the project directory:

git config --local ""

Alternatively, environment variables can be used to specify the author and committer name and email address.

Configure The Preferred Visual Diff/Merge Tool

Also disable prompting when the diff/merge tool is called.

git config --global merge.tool meld
git config --global diff.tool meld
git config --global --add difftool.prompt false

Martin Burnicki, last updated 2021-07-29